You want to give fresh impetus to your team and inspire new momentum or achieve a spirit of optimism? Has your team lost its cohesion or has the team spirit dwindled down due to your company’s expansion? Are your employees in locations all over the world and therefore don’t feel a sense of community? If so, a team-building measure may well be the ideal solution to provide your team with new energy and team spirit and to strengthen cohesion among your employees.
After analysing your current situation and your objectives, I develop a suitable workshop to suit your needs and requirements. These workshops particularly employ experiential learning exercises which provide perfect insight into how a team approaches its work. During the transfer process, the exercises also enable the group to draw conclusions about how its members can better cooperate and what commitments and rules they should agree upon with regard to their working interactions.
Experience-oriented exercises can be used both indoors in a conference setting and outdoors at the heart of nature. The spectrum of exercises ranges from small team challenges such as the nail-balancing game to a workshop in a climbing gym to outdoor training on a high ropes course.
Facilitated processes focusing on topics such as values or identity can also be incorporated into teambuilding measures, as can the MBTI® (as explained under „Training“). Using this personality instrument as a tool within the scope of teambuilding measures enables participants to discover their preferences and inclinations whilst completing a variety of fun exercises. This shared experience of the different 'types' within a team shows its members how to appreciate the perspectives and approaches of their colleagues, which in turn leads to more respect and trust within the team.
You only have a small amount of time to spare? Or you want to enjoy a truly unique and creative experience with your team? If so, TeamSing, my exciting and team-strengthening workshop concept with an event character, is the ideal option for you. Your team can sing together with us in workshops lasting from less than an hour up to day-long teambuilding events or experience themselves in rhythm workshops. Making music together as a group strengthens team spirit and provides new energy in just a short space of time. The fact that TeamSing events are available for unlimited numbers of participants also makes them ideal highlights for large conferences or company parties. You can find out more about our wide range of different workshops and view interesting videos of and about our work at