The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (known as the MBTI® for short) is a personality instrument that makes the theory of psychological types developed by Carl Gustav Jung, a Swiss doctor and psychoanalyst, suitable for use in both a private and professional context. C.G. Jung believed that every healthy individual is born with innate predispositions with regard to their psychological processes of perception and judgement. The MBTI was developed in the USA in the 1960s and is now available in nearly 30 different languages. It is the world's most frequently used personality analysis tool and users benefit from a comprehensive database established as a result of continuous accompanying research.
The conscious and respectful exploration of different personality structures on the basis of the MBTI facilitates the identification of individual patterns and personality traits within a team. These findings can then be used as a basis for optimising the composition of teams and the interaction between their members. Team members often find their (voluntary) unveiling of one’s preferred ways of perceiving, decision making and working styles particularly exciting and enlightening. This exchange enhances the awareness of oneself and others and helps align the team members’ different perspectives (myself perceived by me vs. by others). Thereby, the use of tools like the MBTI promotes self-coaching and has a positive impact on both leadership style and cooperation within the team.
My MBTI training sessions and workshops range from orientation workshops and specialised training sessions on topics such as MBTI & Communication to work-based workshops in which teams develop commitments for their work as a group and set their own rules based on their MBTI results.
I offer my clients individually devised management training sessions according to the needs of their organisation and its managers. My services range from introductory seminars for management 'newbies' to workshops on special management topics such as change management.
Alongside my own training sessions, I also work in cooperation with GREAT PLACE TO WORK®, a research and consulting institute focusing on the analysis and further development of corporate cultures. As senior trainer of its "Journey!" leadership development programme for managers I conduct courses on leadership.
I also offer training sessions focusing on supporting and promoting intercultural competence for teams with members from different countries and for employees being sent to work abroad or to Germany from abroad. These sessions provide participants with insights into different cultural concepts and hone their awareness of both their own culture and that of their colleagues. Special seminar content tailored towards the cultural areas from which employees are coming to Germany or to which they are being sent help to sensitise them to typical intercultural misunderstandings.